Hjólreiðar vaxa um 75% með markvissum aðgerðum

Spring into actionÍ Sutton sem er eitt af úthverfum Lundúnaborgar hafa hjólreiðar aukist um 75% síðustu 3 ár með markvissum aðgerðum yfirvalda en ekki aðeins með dýrum framkvæmdum heldur er unnið í að breyta hugarfarinu og gefa fólki sjálfsöryggi á hjólunum. Íbúum er t.d. boðin ókeypis þjálfun í Hjólafærni. Einnig er fólki boðið upp á leiðir til að spara allt að helming af kaupverði nýs reiðhjóls.

Sjá frétt á BBC hér: Click here for a full video report on the Sutton Cycling Scheme

Einnig þessa tvo tengla hjá yfirvöldum í Sutton



Hér er einnig frétt um þetta áhrifaríka átak:


Cycling Advocacy at its Best!

SUTTON, UK - In three years Sutton (one of the London suburbs) has seen a 75% increase in cyclists at a cost of just € 5.1 million in funding from the Transport for London. This successful project is already labelled as: “The Future of Urban Mobility”. Other authorities across London and from China, Korea and Singapore have been asking for information on the Sutton project.

In the past three years Sutton has also seen a 13% increase in bus use and a 2% decrease in car use. These are modal shifts transport planners can only dream for. What they have done in Sutton is not just spending money on infrastructure and engineering (hard measures) but on convincing people to use their bikes and public transport. This is about spending money on changing the mindset and changing mentality.

Special teams have spread leaflets throughout the city offering everybody a set of coupons providing free cycling lessons, 10% off a cycling kit as well as 50% off a new bike.

Click here for a full video report on the Sutton Cycling Scheme